Diary for Rich Medina

Warranted Internet Marketing for Business Organizations


One of the most important areas in any business is search engine marketing, or Internet marketingThis is something that many businesses overlook and this needs to be addressed if a business wants to succeed

It really is quite amazing that businesses spend thousands on a company website and then nothing on search engine marketing then wonder why they don’t get the visitorsSome choose to spend their marketing budget on pay per click and that’s fine but the biggest return on investment comes from what we call organic listings, the normal results in the search engines that take up the bulk of the results

Although search engine marketing has had its downfall with so many so called experts that just cant do the job

There are too many so called SEO experts that do not actually achieve results, they have read a book on the subject that was probably out of date as soon as they bought it, or they have researched the internet on how to do SEO and this really is not enoughThe truth is, search engines have grown over the eyars and require different criteria to be listed on the first page and unless you have grown with them, you wont be as successful as others who have

When contacting a good seo company, make sure before you agree to their terms that they can show you some of thier achievementsYou should not use them if they cant prove this to you

It will not do your website much good to be found on the top for a search term that no one is typing in, make certain the seo company can find the right keywords for youThe key in getting good listings and visitors is long tail keywords
Long tail keywords are phrases that people use to search when they are ready to buy

People use two types of keyword searches, the general surfing keywords and the buyer keywords, the later is for when they are looking to actually make a purchaseAs an example, if you were a web design company you wouldn’t want to be trying to achieve top positions for web design, simply because that is a browsing search term, people who may be looking for web design ideas, or resources or design ideas or tutorials, you would be better off using web design company, or web design firm, web design services for example

Try to be more specific, such as using your town or city in the keyword you use on your site, such as web design erives London, or London web design services, this will help you eaily achieve results and more positive visitorsDo not agree to spend money with a search engine marketing firm that cant show you some current busiensses they are working with, all they have to do is let you search and find some of their highly listed clients

We all do exactly the same, if we are interested in something we are more precise with our chosen search engine terms, but if we have been just surfing, all of us use general keywords.

It is important to find a handful of search engine marketing who you believe can do the job then decide on price verus results

A fantastic site to take a look at on the matter of internet marketing is webcentreplus.com, they seriously know what they are doing