Diary for Sailng on Windwanderer.

Wednesday 27 June 2012


Wednesday 27 june 2012

Well another day we had such a good sleep last night, it's so calm here the boat hardly moves at all.

Right at this very moment we are watching a huge black cloud coming our way, not sure what to make of it at the moment.

Today I decided to do some washing for the first time, why is everything so much harder on a boat?

I used so much water that Vic had to run the watermarking for about 5 hours to bring up the supply again.

So armfuls of clothes and a bucket I set to work, this is not a simple thing to do and I still think life has to getting better than this, I really feel for our parents what they went through before washing machines were invented.

So 4 hours after the boat looks like a Chinese laundry, with rope and clothes hanging everywhere, and heaps of pegs on each item as I'm so scared they are going to blow overboard, would not be happy if I had to dive overboard to retrieve clothing although it kinda sounds quite nice as it's so so hot.

I decided to wash the all the windows and the deck and cockpit, as I already had the hose out anyway.

By this time I was ready for a rest but no Vic wanted to go to shore to check emails and stuff, so showered and dressed we went to shore.

We decided to see if we could get a Internet connection for the boat again so after talking to some locals we caught a bus to another area and tracked down a phone shop who sells sim cards, get back to the boat guess what yeah can't get it working, another trip into shore tomorrow.

Well tomorrow is another day.