Diary for Sailng on Windwanderer.

Friday 27 and Saturday 28 July 2012


Friday 27 and Saturday 28 July 2012

Well, Key West Florida....what can I say, not much at first, we are in a industrial marina,it's shocking and oh so hot.

We can't do anything about it as they had to tow us in and this was the closet place.

Also they have what they call lobster fest, on the go so the place is packed, so they say.

What we saw of this place yesterday, well to me it still looks third world, it's shabby with trailer parks, and run down buildings everywhere, does not look like an America place at all.

After yesterday's drama of trying to get a local data sim card for Internet we decided to go right into the heart of Key West.

Now we are talking this place is great really lovely old beachside buildings and a huge street filled with excitement touristy things, bars restaurants u name it they have it.

Was a cross between Old Town San Diego, and Venice Beach, my girls would know what I'm talking about.

So after looking on the net we found out that T Mobile, have pre paid cards, so we go looking for the shop and it ends up being, Radio Shack, it's a bit like a Tandy store back home.

And of cause they don't deal with T Mobile anymore, anyway after about three hours and a huge amount of money we now have ourselves a device and prepaid Internet.

Just as we are paying and setting it all up we notice that it's the wrong plan and say to the guy that this is not what u told us it would be, he says sorry I made a mistake and basically tough luck ur stuck with it.

Well Vic and I both blew up, and it all ended in, if we just use the month we paid then we could just return the device and change it for the one we really wanted.....so two very unhappy campers stormed out cursing, but there was not much we could do about it.

So finally get back to the boat and u guessed it, does not work...far out everything about this boat seems to be a disaster, 

I did not sleep well and in the morning tried again to connect, nope nothing.

Tom has decided to fly back home for a week as they have to rebuild the transmission on the motor and it could take that long to fix.

They also moved our boat this morning to the back of the marina, I can tell u it's a toss up between a dump and a boat graveyard and hotter still. I would say more graveyard, as we are up against this, metal pontoon and it creaks like a old ghost ship.

Just waiting for some slimy creature from the deep to rise out of the water and kill us all, or some grandaddy of a alligator climb on board....am sure they have them here.

So we drop Tom off at the airport and are armed with laptops, iPad, phones and devices and are not coming back till we get this all sorted out.

Well it worked we now have a prepaid phone and a working Internet and on the plan that we wanted, have never seem the captain quite so angry, but hey it worked.

We also bought an extra fan to try and keep us from melting away, I so hope it works.

 I never though I would say this but, I can,t wait to be back out in the ocean, we're it is clean and we have nothing around us.

Well tomorrow is another day.