Diary for Sailng on Windwanderer.

Monday 08 August 2012


Monday 08 August 2012

Well after dropping Edie off at the airport, we went to immigration, they could not help us at all with our visa extension, the customs at Key West had given us the wrong answer, ok so not so happy, they sent us to customs back at the airport.

So we go back to the airport talk to customs, they can't help either, now we have two choices as our visa's run out today, we can jump on a plane fly out of the country, and fly back again and we will get another 90 days.

Or we stay illegally here and take the risk of being caught and deported.

Now the big drama is that there is two tropical storms heading our way one is already classed as a hurricane the other not yet but any day now can turn into one. 

The only choice is to leave now on the boat we can go hard and be In a hurricane safe harbor within four days and wait it out, there is a very good chance that the storms will just fizzle out to nothing, than we will just continue, on our way and may get to the chesapeake within the week.

So we are going to be illegal citizens and sail under the radar we are taking down the south African flag and hope to just look like an American boat and hope like hell we don't get stopped by the coast guard.

Wish us luck we will sure need it.....arrr just call us pirates.

Well tomorrow is another day.