Diary for Sailng on Windwanderer.

Thursday 13th September 2012


Thursday 13th September 2012,

Just another work day here in downtown country America.

Tom and The Captain are flat out sorting stuff out and working out what needs to be fixed and what doesn't.

We are starting to freak out a bit as there is so much still to be done and time is running out.

Tom has a very sick Aunt who is dying and he is the only family she has left so he wants to be there with her in her last days, so this is always on our minds as he could be called away anytime.

So they finally sorted out The Captains mess and what needs to be thrown away and what need to be kept, thank god, at least I can start cleaning it all up again now.

I started doing some of the varnish work outside today, the boatie  name for it is Bright work, yeah I know they have some strange ideas, but it is all the timber work around the outside of the boat.

So you all now know, if I start talking the talk and talk about bright work you will know what i'm talking about.....hahaha

So I started doing the "bright work" and man what a job, are they kidding me it took hours just to strip off one little bit, I'll be here for years, and not to mention the sanding and revarnishing again.

Oh I don't even want to think about it.

Well tomorrow is another day.