Diary for Sailng on Windwanderer.

Friday 14th September 2012


Friday 14th September 2012

Well today I was up early, was so sick of falling over stuff and this boat being in such a mess, so today is clean and sort day, sounds like just another day here.

So I hit the floor running, putting this ship of ours back in order.

Rich the old guy that lives here has offered me the use of his washing machine so I have been going back and forth all day with washing as well. 

And I have to say I'm proud of this boat once again it is sparkling and I even managed to cook a big pot of chili as well.

Donna and Tavis, minus the R....lol, came with a wrapped parcel today just like a birthday present all wrapped it blue paper.

I had a bit of a joke the other day with Tavis, minus the R, when he came with all the parcels, that at least he could of wrapped them pretty for me.

So today he did, was quite chuffed with him self, it was so funny, then we opened the parcel which is one we have been dying to get, it was a gift from Marian and Craig for the Captain for fathers day and also a boat warming gift.

Thank you so much guys we have a lovely picture to hang up, two beautiful towels that are monogrammed one with Captain and the other with Captains mate, we are arguing over which one is for who...lol

And right at the bottom  of the package is, wait for it.....two Cherry Ripes and two packets of TIM TAMS, I have died and gone to heaven. Really truly I so love Tim Tams.

So after that I thought nothing could spoil my day...well I was wrong.

I had gone up to put some more washing in the machine and told Rich if he wants to have a look inside the boat now would be a good time as its all clean and tidy.

I might add he has wanted to have a look for ages, but I kept putting him off till it looked a bit better.

So down he comes and spends a fair amount of time with us just checking it all out.

While they were busy talking I went back up to fix the washing, and was walking back on the dock when there was a lady sitting there with her dog, I had Rich's dog with me and he ran over to her and she got all upset about the dog.

Now I am sure  she is one of the neighbors here but I have never really meet her.

So the fun begins, she has this massive hissy fit about the dog, then about Rich, the owner than about the Captain, saying he was rude to her and insulted her when we first got here and than at me for hanging around both of them.

Well I'm sure I was standing there with my mouth hanging open, I walked towards her to try and get her to explain what she meant and she jumped up so quick and took off so quick that my bottom jaw must off been touching the jetty by now.

I walked down to the boat and could swear I could softly here banjos playing.

I told the guys about it and Rich said not too worry she is a bit strange, and the captain was taken aback some what as the only time he had seen her was when we first arrived and there was people everywhere and we were trying to tie up the boat, and she handed him a tub of tomatoes and he had no idea who she was and asked if he should give her some money for them, she said no and he thanked her very much, maybe he should of looked harder for the scar on her neck....

Well tomorrow is another day.