Diary for Sailng on Windwanderer.

Tuesday 29th October 2013


Tuesday 29th October 2013

Well what a wake up, I sat up to a beautiful island staring me in the face, we are about 75meters away.
We have not had a chance to sleep in our own bed yet as its just way too hot.
I did not get much of a sleep as it was way hot and the aroma of the mozzie coil blowing over me all night long, was not so crash hot.....haha
But the view in the morning made up for it all.
Man it's pretty, when you look to shore you can see steam rising from the water edge in several places, these are hot water currents, I guess there really is volcanic activity around.

Today is the day of officials, Aseri the guy that came out yesterday, said he will bring them to the boat first thing this morning, all four of them, they will check our health, our food, are papers you name it they will do it, and we have a mental amount of paperwork to fill out as well.
One of them we need is a cursing permit, apparently we have to wait a day or so for this before we can leave, which is a pain but not much you can do about it, as you are not allowed to move around the islands without one.
It's still going to take a days sail to get to Nadi where we will meet the kids but we still have time on our hands, we were just hoping to get the repairs done before they get here, fingers crossed we can.

Well all went great with the officials, although it took almost to midday to get it all done, and I think  The Face and home made choc chip cookies, helped a lot, they all went off happy, we had no problems at all.

Now we can go ashore...yay, so about 1pm we planted our feet on Land for the first time in 16 days, it sure felt good.
This is such a nice place, even though its third world, you can tell they take pride in their own little island and the Fijians are such friendly people, always smiling and even out on the boat, you can hear their laughter.

When we finally arrived back at the boat, we decided to have a little swim as we were so hot, there is a little island right next to us, so that was our plan, we decided just to get on our flippers and not worry about goggles and snorkels, big mistake half way there it got really shallow with a lot of coral around and not being able to see it properly we decided to turn around and head back, the last thing we wanted was to be ripped up by coral, and after a bit of a struggle with the out going current, we were in going we made it back to the boat, very refreshed, if not a little exhausted, and just had a nice night on board, catching up on all our Internet stuff.

Well tomorrow is another day.