Diary for Naomi's world tour



Our journey times in Bali were short compared to the crazy distances we were covering in Java so we soon arrived in Sideman, a village with stunning scenery and a lovely hotel.  I was starting to feel much better and hungry for the first time in days. I tried gado gado, an Indonesian classic dish of vegetables with peanut sauce,  for dinner.

We had a walk the next morning through the rice terraces and the village. Our guide was a very sweet man and we met his wife,  who does weaving to earn extra money and his little girl who was adorable. We went to the village temple which didn't seem to be well maintained and litter is a real problem in Indonesia. We finished the walk with lunch by the river; paper wrapped in to a triangular container with a delicious mixture of chicken,  rice,  noodles, tofu, tempe (fermented soya beans, a bit like peanut brittle) and pickles.

We relaxed by the gorgeous pool in the afternoon; our guide warned us our accommodation that evening was quite basic so we didn't want to arrive too early!