Diary for Sailng on Windwanderer.

Saturday 7th June 2014


Saturday 7th June 2014

Well its early morning and the sun is just starting to come over the mountain.
We are both sitting here with bags under our eyes looking a bit worse for ware.
The reason is neither of us got much sleep last night.
We are anchored in a little bay off what they call Hummocky island, it's a beautiful little spot, with a deserted beach, and caves at the bottom of the cliffs, just looking like a sea creature or dragon is about to swim out of them any minute...haha

But man is it rolly, we have rocked and rolled all over the place, also it's very shallow in spots and adding to that, the rest of the island is just cliffs and rocks.
So we have not only been kept awake by the rolling but the never ending worry of the anchor dragging and ending up on the rocks.

We were laying in bed this morning talking about how many times each had got up checking the anchor and depth, and thinking that the other had slept through it all, in fact between the pair of us, I think we just about covered the whole night...haha

The night before we stopped at Pancake creek, which was another nice place, also quiet close to the island but we had a lot of other boats around so all was ok.

The trip up here yesterday was interesting with a very rolly ocean, and a lot of cargo ships, and when a say a lot there were heaps, I think we counted 23 on the now working again AIS.
The whole reason we came to Pancake Creek was to be closer to the mainland to get Internet as the never ending problems with the nav stuff and computers always being a huge drama for us.
Yeah I know we really don't need the AIS and can sail quiet easy without it, but it's a safety thing and I like the comfort in knowing that ships can see us and we can track them and keep out of their way.

Thank God we got it fixed with all the ships that were out there yesterday although most were at anchor waiting to go into Gladstone port.
We actually had to weave in and around many of them, talk about getting up close and personal, man I tell you they are big big mamas.
We had the radio on and we heard a call out that a helicopter was about to land on one, we can only think that someone was very sick, we were hoping to see it all, but by the time we past the ship it was all done and dusted, which was a shame as we went by it and could almost reach out and touch the ship, we were about 5 miles past when we heard the call again they were coming back out to the ship, no matter how much I pleaded and begged The Captain would not turn us around to go back to watch.....haha
Actually by the time we got back it would of been all over again anyway.

So today we venture on and the next stop is Great Keppel Island, it's only about 4 hours sail away so we are taking things a bit slow this morning and hope to get there around lunch time.

Well tomorrow is another day.