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Learn about the Top Pages report in Open Site Explorer


Top What? Top Pages!Open Site Explorer's Top Pages tab is a great place to see top performing content on your domain or the domain of a competitor. Top Pages results will give you a good idea of what pages have the most inbound links and linking root domains. You can also sort these by Page Authority and Linking Root Domains. If you want to get serious about the data though, you should probably export a CSV. The CSV - - will let you sort and manipulate all the data to see what content gets the most links. To do this, sort your data by linking root domains or total inbound links.With this data sorted you can do a deeper analysis into what type of content you produce that brings in the links. We bring in the titles of your content so you can look at keywords to get an idea of what subjects perform the best.Top Shared ContentNow if you sort the data by social metrics you can see what content is the most sharable. This could be way different from linked content, so it's worth taking a look at as you may have a specific audience on Facebook that share completely different things than what's getting a lot of links.Find Your Most Important 404sOne awesome thing Top Pages can help you with is finding your important 404s. To get started, sort your data by Page Authority descending. Now you want to focus on the HTTP Status column. Select the filter tool in Excel and make sure only 404 is clicked. Abracadabra! Now you have a list - - of your most important content that is now missing from the internet. :)If you want to sort the status codes in Open Site Explorer directly, use the drop down menu to update your results. Optimizing your most shared pagesEver wonder what pages you should focus your attention on? We'll show you how using the power of Open Site Explorer and the On-Page Grader. So let's get started!Jump into OSE and type in the URL for the domain you're interested in. For demo purposes, we're going to use Moz. This will show you all your top pages sorted based on Domain Authority. We want to focus on shares/interactions though so the next step you'll want to take is to export the data into a CSV. A couple notes about the export - depending on the amount of data in the report, it can take up to 15 minutes to generate. Once completed, you'll get an email letting you know the report is ready. The second thing to keep in mind that the exported data will only include the top 25 pages per linking root domain which is all we need in this case.Now that you have your - - CSV, pick a social network that you like - we're going to use Facebook - and sort it in descending order. You can also average all three for a more representative view, but we're going to skip that this time around. So, Facebook. A quick scan will tell you that the beginners guide sections "How Search Engines Work - The Beginners Guide to SEO - Moz" and "The Basics of SEO Friendly Design and Development - The Beginners Guide to SEO - Moz" have the most shares on Facebook.Now that we've identified a couple pages we can work on, take one of those and pull it up in - - a browser window. From here, you can pick out some keywords that you feel are important and relevant to the page. For this example, let's use the keyword: search enginesTake this keyword/URL combo and pop it into the On-Page Grader. Here you'll get a grade and some action items to help improve the page ranking for that particular keyword and URL. All you need to do then is make some easy changes and watch your ranking improve! moz.com/help/guides/research-tools/open-site-explorer/top-pages-ose' - moz.com/help/guides/research-tools/open-site-explorer/top-pages-ose -