Diary for Sailng on Windwanderer.

Day 12. 14/12/2015


Monday 14th December 2015

Day 12


Position 16°52'S, 002°51'W

Well day 12 and we should be almost there, but we still have 168 or so Nm to go.

I guess we have not had much wind at all, and we are only using 60% of our main sail, because of the hole in it.

Also we don't want to run the engine, we do to charge the batteries but its never in gear.

Because of the prop shaft kinda out of condition we will only run the engine very carefully when we get to St Helena.

So yeah we are making slow progress but it's ok we are looking like getting there around Wednesday some time.

I had a little walk around deck this morning, to hunt and gather and chuck overboard.

I had noticed the many flying fish so thought it was about time to get rid of them, my count for this morning was 10 and The Captain had thrown 3 over before, so that's a total of 13 so far, it may be more as they do have a habit of getting into places you would never think of and sometimes it takes awhile before we find them.

Also I have not had my fishing rod out at all this trip, why? Well I guess I have not been in the mood to fish and because we are not moving very fast, the Lure would just be almost dead in the water, actually it would properly overtake us...haha


Well someone on this here vessel is in a lot of trouble, Yeap yours truly.

I was checking emails tonight on sail mail at around 6.30, when one came through saying Happy Birthday, I quickly raced up into the cockpit and asked The Captain what date it was today, he looks at me with a dumb look on his face and then we both realised it is The 14th December. The Captains Birthday.

I had completely forgotten and the only thing that makes me feel a little bit better is that The Captain had forgotten too.

We had both written the date down The Captain on the ships log and myself on my blog here this morning. I remember writing the date and thinking who's birthday is this today and The Captain had had the same kinda feeling man we are hopeless.

So Captain a big Happy Happy late birthday, I love you to bits, and at least we still remembered on the day.

I hope you enjoyed your sad excuse for a Birthday cake. It was a banana muffin surrounded with sesame seed toffee that I had made today, and for a candle, well a lighter was lite and I made him blow that out...haha

It's crazy that you just forget stuff out here it was only yesterday that I had to ask The Captain what day it was and dates well who even thinks of them out here, I guess we have too many other things on our minds.

At the moment we have very little wind again and are doing 3.1knts, very sad actually but it's so comfortable well sort of we are rolling a bit, we had a lovely sunset again tonight, even though there is a lot of clouds around.

But the clouds have lifted the moon is out the sky is full of stars, and I just saw a falling star shoot across the sky.

Well tomorrow is another day.