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Advice That Will Help You To Remember! 46


Memory is a wonderful attribute of being human. It makes us who we are since we use it to retain knowledge about our past experiences. Without it we would not be capable of learning new skills and retaining information necessary to become a productive member of our world. To help deal with the frustrations that come with a declining memory, we have provided some practical and easy tips to follow.When trying to commit a large amount of information to memory, having several shorter study sessions is significantly better than having one long study session. The reason for this is that it takes several separate instances of reviewing the material in order to commit the material to long term memory. Holding the information in long term memory will allow you to more readily recall the information than if it was stored in short term memory.It is easier to remember information if you organize the material into related groups, before trying to commit it to memory. Making an outline is another good way to organize the material to be studied. This is similar to how your brain organizes information and will make recall simpler.The more difficult the information is, the harder it's going to be to retain, so you have to break down tough information into smaller tidbits. Breaking the whole down into segments and then reassembling them in your mind not only allows you to retain the memory, but it also creates a road map to allow you to recall the memory.A useful mechanism for refining your ability to recall data is to write things down on paper. This simple action cements the ideas into your brain, by increasing the activity in the parts of your brain associated with memory. Keeping journals and writing things down will really help you keep your memories in tact.Try teaching the subject you're trying to learn to another person. Research suggests that by teaching something to another person, you'll have a much better chance of remembering what you're teaching. So the next time you're struggling to remember a new concept, try teaching it to a sibling or friend.Sleep well for at least 7-8 hours a day. A sleep deprived body has diminished functions including problems with brain activities and memory. Studies show that inadequate sleep can cause difficulties in problem solving, critical thinking and studying. Sleeping is an unavoidable part of the learning process as it is necessary for memory consolidation.If you notice that you are having trouble with your memory, you may want to try running or riding a bicycle on a regular basis. Medical research has shown that running and bicycle riding stimulates the growth of new brain cells, which in turn, helps to improve a person's memory.A good tip to make your memory better is to begin a routine where you exercise regularly. Even a just a few minutes of exercise can make a big difference.Being socially active is good for your memory. Social interactions keep you alert and uplifted. Blue moods and feelings of depression deprive your mind of much-needed stimulation. A strong mind leads to a better memory, so make sure to engage in active conversations with other people on a regular basis.Getting plenty of exercise will help your www.smore.com/bcgsn-phone-psychic-readings-avoid-scams - psychic reading - memory. Exercise improves the blood flow throughout your body, including the brain. This can invigorate your mind and improve its ability to remember. Even a brief walk for ten minutes can increase your circulation. The fresh air wakes up the brain and keeps it alert, which improves its memory capacity.Utilize all of your senses. You may have already heard that smell is a powerful sense in relation to your memory. This is true. When trying to recall something, don't just look for a picture of it in your mind. Try to remember how it smelled or felt or even tasted.Establish relationships with old and new information. To keep your memory in top form, keep information relevant in your mind. Your brain will automatically discard most facts it deems useless. It is often necessary to "update" memories. Think on them regularly and determine how they relate or hold up to new information.If you need to study something important, make sure you give the task your full attention. If you wish to actually learn something, and not simply recall it for a test, then the information needs to be stored into your long-term memory. You won't be able to store anything in your long term memory unless you're completely focused.Try using mnemonic devices to aid in recall. A mnemonic is a way to remember information. One mnemonic is word association. Think of a word or phrase you are familiar with to remind yourself of the thing you wish to remember. Rhymes, songs, and humorous images make good mnemonics.Keep your memory sharp by playing brain games often. Crossword puzzles, number games, and trivia are great examples. Brain games keep your memory sharp. They also improve your concentration level and attention span. Use them as a fun way to greatly enhance your cognitive abilities.One good and fun way to learn new information is to set it to music. You have seen this from early childhood when young people are taught the ABC's by putting them into song. Melodies are made up of patterns and repetition, something that comes naturally to the human mind. So, sing your next thought and see how easily you recall it.Have you ever put down something somewhere and then later couldn't remember where it was? In order to help your brain with memory retention try setting things down and saying aloud to yourself what you are doing, such as "I am putting the keys on the top of my dresser in my bedroom." The effort of stating the sentence aloud will help your brain to retrace that memory later when you need to find your keys.As you've seen, just because you are growing older does not mean that you are doomed to lose your memory. Exercising your brain and applying the techniques you have learned will help keep your brain sharp and active. Just use the tips from this article, and you'll stay mentally active for years to come.www.smore.com/bcgsn-phone-psychic-readings-avoid-scams