Diary for The writings from Kelly Wroleb

Flavor Packed Meatcake Recipe In 3 Minutes


The first thing you will need to do place your oil into the pot on medium heat. While it is heating, spread your stew meat out on a surface. Season, then coat in flour. After the cooking oil is hot, place your coated meat inside the pot. Cook until browned well.The second meal began with a homemade vegetable soup that rendered our German friend light with refreshing acidity and sweetness accompanied by honey and citrus. The centerpiece consisted of chicken and slow cooker frozen meatballs enlivened with a mixture of coriander, cumin, black pepper, garlic, and caraway seed. In response the fermented grape juice was syrupy and yet somewhat thin and not very expressive. Steamed quinoa slightly strengthened the wine. Fresh strawberries muted this drink that became just a pleasant wisp in the background.On the outskirts of town a Buddha statue sits on top of a hill and surveys the plains below. It makes for a good hike up to the top to take in the view. Open air restaurants are common place in the region. Small shaded areas with thatched roofs are built and the food standard is superb. Fresh fish, meat and vegetables are quickly prepared and served with bowls of rice for an extremely cheap price. I enjoyed a simple meal of pork meatballs cooked with basil, delicious!One of the common causes of indigestion for many people is what they eat. Foods that have been found to trigger acid reflux for many sufferers are citrus juices, sauces such as italian meatballs, spicy foods, chocolate, some fried foods and ever coffee. If you find you experience problems after eating any one of these foods, then the best remedy for you is to simply cut back on how much you consume or completely stop eating it. You might miss out on eating something you really like but you will no longer have to suffer from the discomfort and pain associated with heartburn.No matter where you buy it, it always seems to be cooked to perfection. You can barely taste any kind of casing and the meat is flavored so perfectly that no sauces are required. Ask slow cooker chicken casserole ketchup and you might be thrown on the next plane out of Germany. You can literally buy one, eat it immediately, side step to the next vendor and purchase a second. Of course it goes perfect with a good German beer...but don't even get me started on the glorious taste of Deutsch bier.