Diary for Addison Collins's journal Insi

Get The Defibrillators; The 4Th Annual Blue Ribbon Bacon Festival Is Almost Here


Spring officially starts on March 20th, but here in New York City, we're still experiencing some chilly weather. Though we've gone on sipping many of our go-to libations - ice and all - through this unseasonably warm winter, it's time to squeeze in a few more winter beverages before the season changes.The next cook up is Rudy who was burned badly in a fire in 2003. He had burns on 75% of his body and spent three months in a medically induced coma. He makes what he calls a buffalo taco. Joe doesn't find the food as compelling as his story and gives him a no. Graham disagrees and gives him a yes. Gordon is inspired by him as a person, but gives him a no. He tells Gordon he slow cooker pork belly doesn't fear rejection. Gordon tells him to keep cooking and keep working hard.We didn't know what food we would be eating as the chef, Shannon Bennett, decides the menu on the day. Once we are seated at our table we are asked if anyone has any food allergies or what people will and won't eat. In our group we had one person who is lactose intolerant, me, a few who are vegetarian and a major pork belly in smoker eater.This article is meant to educate the public about pork consumption. It is not intended to offend or to do any harm to the slow cooked pork belly roast or any other pork related industry.Pigs make very good housekeepers and ensure the dirt outside of their sty is kept very clean. They love to interact with those who care for them and enjoy nothing slow cooked pork belly more than a scratch on their backs or a good pat.The Sycamore is located at 2140 Mission Street. Brunch will only be served on Saturday and Sunday from 11am to 3pm. Call 415-252-7704 for more information.Local's bustling patio can be seen from Sunset and always looks inviting. In the morning little brunch bunches unite from the neighborhood. A sense of getting together and fresh food and kindness make it what it is. And what it is is sweet and savory. It is tired eyes waking up to start the day.