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Yatesville Fire Dept is listed in the Business of Georgia (GA), It mainly deals with Fire Protection and SIC or Standard Industrial Classification of Yatesville Fire Dept is 9224 and main contact of this Business is Unknown and the person position is of Yatesville Fire Deptwww.businessingeorgia.orgAddress City ZebulonState Georgia (GA)Zip 30295-0000County Pike , United StatesThe ratings of Yatesville Fire Dept are based on rates are 3.320810739 and investment rating is 4.402361172 and price rating of the product is 3.351160702 and Yatesville Fire Dept mainly deals with Public Order, Safety and Justice (Government) and Fire Protection. It is one of the best Business to Invest.Yatesville Fire Dept is one of the best in its field of Fire Protection and Public Order, Safety and Justice (Government) which is located in Georgia (GA) and Employee rating is 3.364543767 and got excellence in field of Public Order, Safety and Justice (Government) and its county is Pike