Diary for Foreign Fourens

Sunday in Edinburgh


This morning we attended a 10 am service at the magnificent S​t. Giles cathedral. The choir was impressive to see and more so to hear. The message was on relationship: love, discipline, restoration and grace. Communion was partaken in a circle gathered around the sanctuary. A special experience of church in an awesome place. We met Susan's great Auntie Ann and cousin Carol, at the train station, having travelled across from Glasgow. We guided them to the No: 1pub where we became acquainted over lunch and ginger beer, viewing family photos and learning of family history and circumstances. This was a special and valuable opportunity to embrace and remember especially for Susan. We then walked with them to the foyer of our hotel where we enjoyed cakes and slices from the shop we'd happened upon yesterday. They had a happy communication with Susan's parents via facetime too before we walked them back to catch the return train to Glasgow. After a couple of purchases of mementos we partook in our tour of the preserved underground city at Mary King Close. We've now returned to our hotel - tomorrow is a big travel day.