Diary for 2017WillardWandering

Our day at Harvard


Geoff has come down with a cold - a rare thing for him, which I blame on the cold Irish wind.

We are living just down the road from Harvard Uni so we went for a stroll around the grounds there yesterday. Lots of new students showing their parents around and the inevitable tourists like us too enjoying the green leafy spaces (not much sign of Fall here yet 😩). It doesn’t have the age of Oxford or Trinity but does have a lovely set of buildings in brick rather than sandstone. We couldn’t get inside many, but the Harvard Art Museum with a new addition on top by Renzo Piano has a stunning collection of old and new works, much of it donated by wealthy graduate benefactors.

We attended a concert of the Boston Symphony in the evening, with an outstanding performance of Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto by Gil Shaman: it got a 10 minute standing ovation.

Quirky things I have  noticed: the light switches go up to turn on and the pharmacy sells breakfast cereal.