Diary for David Gill



The Algarve

No Traveling

The Walking Dead, was a dead end last night, this story line keeps going and going and it’s getting boring.  I like to see Zombies and that kind of stuff, not people killing each other because they are nasty, move on!!!

This morning was yet another stunning sunrise, they seem to get better as the days grow shorter, there was not one cloud in the sky.  It was a bit nippy at 12 degrees outside and 17 inside as Wendy sleeps with her bloody window open.  I like a nice warm bedroom temperature of about 22 degrees these days thank you very much Wendy!

Beach day today, even though the wind had increased I said we ought to go and find some shelter and have a picnic with a nice bottle of wine and doze in the sun.  Wendy wanted to go to another town, but I have to admit I didn’t fancy it as its very hard going driving on these roads, so I said go to the beach today and the town tomorrow, thankfully we agreed!

So off we set, all togged up with a picnic to die for.  We had tinned mussels, razor clams and cockles.  With bread, crisps and wine.

We got to the beach and I saw a good area out of the wind near the bar, behind a beach hut. 

We settled down and had started lunch.  Wendy wasn’t happy, we were too close to the bar, we were well out of the wind, nice and sheltered but she wasn’t comfortable, grrrrrrr!!!

I said to Wendy, who said that she would feel better near the dunes about 200 metres away, go and have a look and if it’s just as good there give me a wave and I’ll come over with the stuff.  Oh, no, was here response, this is ok.

So I ate my lunch and had a glass of wine and listened to Jeremy Vine on my IPhone and nodded a bit, I might have done the odd snore.  But I don’t sleep deeply when I lay on my back so I heard Wendy tutting and grumping, and I woke up.

What’s the problem I said? I have stereo snoring going on here so I am going for a walk.  Then I saw a man laid not half a metre from Wendy, under an umbrella, snoring like a big fat pig!!!

I mean he was going for it like his life depended on it.  The beach was empty why would he come here, why didn't Wendy tell me he was coming so close?

Off she went and I went back to listening to Jeremy.  But all I could hear was snoring so I started to whistle loudly and then I started to sing, loudly but he never muted.

Wendy came back, a bit grumpy, (It’s not my fault he came here Wendy!), and then I put Steve Wright on loudspeaker and I started to chat loudly.  He actually tapped his toes to the music in tune with his continued snoring.

Wendy and I chatted about why we were where we were, I wanted to go over there she said.  I said but Wendy I said go and look over there, but you liked it here.  How can you argue with that????  Anyway by the time the debate was over matey had snook off and left us to it, phew!!!..

We had a little while longer in the sun and then set off on our bikes back to the van, without any issue.

We got back just as the sun set and night fell, which like in the UK in winter it happens very quickly.

We showered and had cheese on toast which was a delight.