Diary for Education is Light



Hi! Everyone,

I guess you are all ok. My name is Diego Denis aged 23 years and am happy to speak to you all today and also send my greetings to you all the sponsors in the Mtomondoni sponsorship program whom am also the beneficiary.

As you all know, I was recruited in the Mtomondoni sponsorship program while in the children’s home i.e the New Light Children’s home situated in the Mtomondoni village,Mtwapa. However on attaining my 17th year and as per the children’s home policy here in in Kenya, it was time for me to move out of the home and start leaving outside the children’s home. Through Gail and Sara,I was able to get accommodation and food outside the home where I continued with my secondary school when I later completed and commenced my college.

After secondary school I joined a college in Nairobi training in graphics and desighn.Later on while in Nairobi I was lucky to be reunited with my grandfather i.e father to my deceased dad who lives in Uganda. Due to that I had to transfer to Uganda and continue with my training in graphics and design. The name of my college where I study in Uganda is called Engineering Management Institute located in Kireka,Kampala-Uganda.

The system of Education in Uganda is 7-6-4 i.e 7 years in primary school,6 years in secondary school and 4 years in the University. Unlike Kenya system of education called 8-4-4 i.e 8 years in primary school,4 years in secondary school and 4 years in the university.

The main tribes in Uganda are the Bagandas.The staple food of the Ugandans is ‘matoke’ i.e cooked green bananas which maybe mixed with beef, vegetables and cereals like beans. Unlike Kenya  the staple food is ‘ugalI’ i.e cooked corn flour.

For my breakfast I normal take tea with bread while for my lunch or supper I take ‘matoke. During my free time I normal like watching movies or go out for swimming. My future plans after completing my course I’d like to be self-employed where I intend to open up my own small office where I can be able to do my graphic and design work and earn my living out of it.

Finally I want to say  thank you to Gail and Sara, all of the sponsors ad everyone in the Mtomondoni sponsorship program it is through your combined efforts that you’ve made me to see a bright future through my sponsorship and may God bless you all.

Yours,loving kid,
