Diary for Sailng on Windwanderer.

Sunday 1st September 2013


Sunday 1st September 2013

Day 14

08°29'S. 106°36'W

1965nm to go.


First off a big Happy Father's Day to my dad and all the other Dads back home in Australia, I hope you had a great day dad, I wish I could have been there, I love you. xxx

And here I sit again, did I say I was bored?  Well I am, I hate night watches, they just drag and drag on.

I have watched a few TV series on the hard drive, tried a thousand times to connect to the email stations, still no luck, and almost drank all the coffee on board.

At 3.45am I was done in I could not keep awake any longer, so I just had to wake up The Captain, and off to sleep I go.
So what's been happening all day, well The Captain has changed sails a million times, we have gone from, being on a rocking horse, to being rolled so far over to one side, and then back to the other side, I swear the boat is going to tip over.
We have had wind than no wind, but still the ever constant choppy sea.

At the moment we are just rolling gently from side to side, with a few big rolls thrown in every five minutes or so.

I started on the many leaks once again.
This time in the forward head, I have sealed all around the hatches, and anywhere else I could think that it might be coming in.

The Captain, tried to do the ones in the dinette, but we were rolling so far over and the ocean just looked way too close.

We still are having no luck with the emails, at all, I just hope the kids and family are not getting worried.

Well I hooked a huge Mahi Mahi this one the biggest so far, both The Captain and I were pulling it in, man it was a struggle, and as per usual it got off right at the boat.

You should of seen how disappointed The Captain was, I think he may be turning into a fisher Man yet...hahaha

Well tomorrow is another day.